Please be advised that as a registered Canadian non-profit organization, at this time we are not entitled to issue tax receipts for your donations. However, we are working diligently to become a registered charity and appreciate your patience.
Please keep in mind that if a person approaches you for a cash donation, he/she is not a representative of the Behnam Foundation of Ontario and we urge you to report such incidents to us promptly.
Donations can be received through either of the following:

Royal Bank: 003
Transit number: 04062
Account number: 1004423
Transit number: 04062
Account number: 1004423
Questions? Get in touch.
For further questions or concerns please email our financial department at or call 1-647-914-5258

Behnam Foundation of Ontario (BFO) is a registered and volunteer based not-for-profit organization which raises funds through various initiatives for patients with cancer and rare diseases .
© 2017 Behnam Foundation of Ontario.